No one should | Teen Ink

No one should

November 15, 2018
By DaNielag0meZ BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
DaNielag0meZ BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Watching Alexander look down at his lap with disappointment

As he witnesses his two cousins playing with my toys

To Ms Spain announcing that she needs two strong boys,

Because she needs them so that they can move the tables.

I always notice the tiny things

And there are three verbs that we as women are linked to.



And Caring for Children.

The four C’s of societies representation of what it is a women does

And not to mention what he told me that day,

The friend of my dad’s that i actually liked

I will never forget it

“Ustedes no ban a hacer nada. Daniela lo va hacer es la mujer de la casa.”

(You guys are going to do nothing Daniela will do it, she is the woman of the house.)

Those two sentences felt like a hard slap to the face.

The feeling of the hot, stinging hand print on my cheek will forever stay there.

No matter how much time passes or how much “ice” I put on it.

That sting will not go away.

Over time you just get used to it and like everyone else you laugh it off.

I got used to it.

We all do.

But it shouldn’t be like that, we aren’t supposed to get used to.

No one should supposed to get used to.

No one should have to be ashamed to belong to a certain group.

No one should have feel inferior to anyone.

No one should be affected by the glass ceiling or the glass escalator.

No one should have to suffer injustices because of their gender.

Everyone deserves equality.

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