Reflection | Teen Ink


November 18, 2018
By Anonymous

I don’t know you,

yet I see you every day

But who are you?

You are with me

lingering days and

isolated nights

But who are you?

It feels like you changed

from how you use to be

But who are you?

Your dark expression tells

me you are a different person

But who are you?

Are you contented now,

your wishes came true

But who are you?

Is that really you,

unlike words escape

It’s hard to put a name

to that face

But who are you?

You tell me you are

identical from the past

But who are you?

Haunting whispers

of secrets fall out

from your mouth

But who are you?

Look in the mirror


Who are you?

The author's comments:

I hope this poem helps people to realize who they are as a person, good, or bad, and to accept their true reflection.

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This article has 1 comment.

JenL said...
on Dec. 3 2018 at 7:00 pm
JenL, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Hey guyss!! please read and like if you enjoyed! This would help me so much and make me happy :)