Red Snow | Teen Ink

Red Snow

December 1, 2018
By chuckw_6 SILVER, Salisbury, Connecticut
chuckw_6 SILVER, Salisbury, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snow falling from crystal skies

Making the entire world white

I am enjoying the words of books

That I do not even realize


meeting with her in the quad

we are about to go slide

Two hours later we are weary so 

I give her this rose of mine


She smiles at me while slapping my face

“Wake up—” and shuffles away from my side

Standing alone in the snow, the winds glide

I hold the stem of it tight with all my might


The thorns penetrate my knuckles

But they are too numb to feel pain

Crimson blood dripping from my fist

It soaks the white snow red 


But life is mine and it ain’t dead

Yet whenever it snows

My heart stains the snow red. 

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