When You Left Us For Her | Teen Ink

When You Left Us For Her

December 6, 2018
By ajelloo BRONZE, Moreno Valley, California
ajelloo BRONZE, Moreno Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“ l’habit ne fait pas le moine "

I remember when we used to play tag

me, you, and my brother.

We ran around in the living room in a zig-zag.

All those times we cherished;

eating ice cream,

helping with my 2nd-grade homework,

laughing with glee.

But then you had to leave for a while for work.

I waited and waited.

Mom sent letters, and so did I.

I stared at the tree,

The tree you planted for a future tree house.

Then, in class, you surprised me.

You stood there,

in your uniform,


I ran and hugged you,

sobbing, I held tight.

A few weeks passed

you and mom talked in the computer room

One day, mom walked out. Her tears were filled of gloom.

I asked what happened.

“She accidentally hurt herself.”

My dumb self believed that lie.

Then they walked in my room

They admitted they were getting a divorce.

My heart shattered into a million pieces.

I felt like a corpse,

dead and lifeless.

Whenever I think about that day,

my depression increases.

I didn’t know what I’d do without you.

Now, you’re with someone else now.

You’ve been with her for a while.

That’s why you left. Why? How?

You were still with mom.

You embraced your love for her.

It was all peaceful and.. calm

Until you showed up at the house.

We saw spirits and ghosts,

demons and angels,

you brought something with you.

We were the hosts,

and they were the guests.

We didn’t see them anymore once you left us,

when you left us for her.

I don’t see anything good in her.

She called my mom ugly that’s a lie

The witch also makes it so my mom’s the bad guy

It’s really all her fault, the little lying witch

If I could, I could give her a stitch.

You don’t know how I felt when you left us for her,

it was painful,


I was hateful,

full of hate.

I felt suicidal, I thought it was all my fault.

I cried myself to sleep, tears of salt

I just sat in silence,

let the pictures soak.

Now I’m doing better, it’s been four years,

but I still can’t stop the tears

Now you know how I felt,

How we felt,

When you left us for her.

The author's comments:

The reason why I wrote this poem is because it was a chance to express my feelings for when my dad left us for someone else. It was a very challenging time for us three (my mom, brother, and I), and so, like I said earlier, I expressed it on here. 

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This article has 2 comments.

Patolinito said...
on Jan. 2 2019 at 2:24 am
Patolinito, California, California
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KathPetrov10 said...
on Dec. 26 2018 at 9:38 pm
KathPetrov10, Durango, California
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thanks for sharing. You are very talented