Our world | Teen Ink

Our world

December 7, 2018
By Anonymous

If you came up to me the street

and asked “Where are your from?”

I would have to say

”I don’t know!” 

This is because my family history 

is a mystery to me. 

Its the undefined, 

the beautiful image that’s being covered 

by fog. 

By Lies. 

My Dad’s grandparents lied

while immigrating to this country.

They claimed to be from Poland. 


Because that’s better than being from


or Mongolia 

or Germany. 

Because in the world that we live in 

it's better to lie

to ourselves

to the government 

to our families.

In our world

It's better to lie 

Because you'll be accepted 

You'll be loved

You'll be welcomed.

In our world people of a 




That we don't like, should lie about it.

That's our world.

So why don't we change?

The author's comments:

A world full of lies

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