Her storm | Teen Ink

Her storm

December 13, 2018
By Reporter4ever SILVER, Hemet, California
Reporter4ever SILVER, Hemet, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Don’t make a big deal” he said
The wind began to blow
“I told them not to tell you” he said
The sea began to stir
“I did whats best” he said
The air began to constrict
“Your acting like your mom” he said
The sky began to darken
And this time the storm wont blow over
This time the storm will be heard
And this time it will be remebered
The storm began to rumble
He looked to the sky
The storm began to light up the sky
He shouted at the sky
The storm stuck the ground
He then began to fear the storm
And now the storm knew she was heard
This was the storm he would not forget
For the fear was not of being stuck
But the fear of losing the rain that the rain had gifted

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