The Voice in My Head | Teen Ink

The Voice in My Head

December 14, 2018
By KevinEleven BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
KevinEleven BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He sleeps he nods,

He awakens he bobs,

He leaves and is gone,

Will he come back?

Will he?

Will he return?

Nobody knows said the books

Neatly stacked upon each other

He was too lazy to read us

We held so much imagination but

He wouldn’t even turn a page

He was a kind person though

Says the plushed animal

Sitting on the chair

Still and frail

He was very creative in our eye

Said the color pencils to the books

Scrambled all over the desk

He would color on paper and paint on a screen

He loved to work with colors

He was a very calm too

Said the small soft fluffy bed

He always lay down after a hard day

He wouldn’t freak out

Except when it come to math

He never cries,

He never sobs,

He never blames,

He stays calm

Oh, shut up

Said the mirror

Don’t be so poetic,

Don’t be so emotional

He’s strong to make people happy

He needs to be strong

That’s why he never cries

If he’s not strong

How is he supposed to help people

By sobbing and blaming others?

I’m in a room full of idiots

Said the computer

I’m smart and he is too

Well sort of

He uses me for work and art

He uses me so he can learn

Watches and reads

So he can discover things outside of his bedroom

Learns about the worlds flaws and uniquenesses

He uses me to be inspired to do something

For the earth and for the people

And for himself

Wow computer you really over did it this time

Said the salty chips next to it

You just think because you’re modern it makes you special

He just uses you as a tool

Just because you have all this information in you doesn’t make you smart

People write those things

You’re just a product

Just a vessel

Just a tool

He is coward,

When he froze

Foolishly and firmly,

Says the void of the bedroom floor

I feed on his fear

The horror is too much

I make up things in order to distress him

He is a vessel as well

A battery

Don’t you sense that smell?

Can you guys need to cool down

Said the Ice soda

We all know the kid is nice

We know that he tries his hardest to do things

We know he is not the coolest kid

We know he has flaws

We know he isn’t that smooth with talking

We know he is not the smartest

But we do know he works

I am not perfect

Good lord help me

I am suffering

I’m hearing things

These object are

Talking to me

Make it stop for the love of…

He is not bright

Said the talking lamp

He is not right

Said the talking lamp

He is not light

Said the talking lamp

Talking to me

Talking to me

Talking to me

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