The Squall | Teen Ink

The Squall

December 20, 2018
By Anonymous

To go into the dark swirling mass,

to see all the chaos


throughout the house.

To witness this spiraling whirlwind


the house, leaving despair

and destruction.

To listen to the sound of her cackling,

spinning and twirling.

She isolates herself in a cyclone

of disjointed thoughts.

To try to communicate with the blank

wall, receiving no answer and falling


into her wide-eyed stare.

She’s broken, emotionless, helpless.


To walk into the kitchen and see the bottles

of sour ale towered around the dining table, plastic bags trying to eat it away.

To have the smell of ash

trapped within the house, lungs


at the scent.

To view the Tower of Babel forming

in the kitchen. Plates and bowls


silverware soaking in grimy water.

To run away from these sights and smells

for fear of entering

that gloomy mass, the anger


the demon reaching out to caress.

To be the child of the storm.

The author's comments:

My experience as a writer is very new. I took a semester long class that taught me how to express myself and my feelings through poetry. I have struggled with major depression and anxiety for several years now, especially because my mom has had problems of her own for as long as I can remember. She has Schizoaffective disorder and PTSD, which usually becomes worse when she starts to drink alcohol. Through poetry, I have been able to talk about my experiences with her and my experience of having to be put into foster care.

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