It's the heart that counts | Teen Ink

It's the heart that counts

January 10, 2019
By ehsmith BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
ehsmith BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're always told that a flower always grows through dirt

But what if you just want to be the dirt?

My grandmother always told me

Pretty is as pretty does

And if I'm ugly

Then why would it matter?

I just want to see the world through a clear, unfogged glass

I don't want to worry about looks

There is a famous quote

Beauty is the seasons- it is ever changing.

I don't want to wake up and stress over how I look that day

or why am i so ugly?

Because it’s really the heart that counts

Not the face- or the body- or even anything for that matter.

Its all in the heart.

The author's comments:

I am tired of always hearing people calling other people ugly, or rating them with numbers. It's the heart that counts!

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