Known to man | Teen Ink

Known to man

January 10, 2019
By NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

But tall

But strong

But lovely

But able to stand

Words can harm
Words can lift
I am all of them in a hit

I am the one
Who is always getting picked on
The one
Who is always getting trampled on
The one
Who looks beautiful but feels ugly
The one
Who is like the earth
The one
Who is one of many
The one
Who is two of plenty

For I am like the earth
I am small but I am tall
I am wrong but I am strong
I am ugly but I am lovely
I am hurt but I can stand
I am forever known to man

The author's comments:

Nicolle is fourteen years old. Nicolle started writing in the fourth grade, with her book and play script. Nicolle is American, Brazilian, and Italian. Her name is originated in Italy and is very rare, because of the two L's. She loves to stay with her family, friends, and dog. She also adores to make YouTube videos, playing video games, playing outside, craft, play volleyball, hang with her friends at the mall, shop, play with her dog, and stay with her little brother and sister.

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