The Seething Silence | Teen Ink

The Seething Silence

January 14, 2019
By kennapruette BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
kennapruette BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All is quiet

All is calm

No noise


But if you really listen,

Really listen,

Really, truly listen,

You can hear it.

Shhh, don’t you hear it?

The anger,

The hate,

The calamity?

For in this room,

Though true

Thoughts go unspoken, for not even

A single word is uttered,

But you can feel


Hear it

The madness.

The seething silence

That slithers like a snake

Through the hush,

Winds through the stillness

It soons wraps around you

Squeezing, squeezing

Threatening to

Take your breath

Threatening to take your life

It fills you up,

This seething snake

Threatens to take you over as

These violent feelings

Thicken the air

Like pea soup

Like smog

It infiltrates your lungs

Muddles your mind

Spreads through you

Until it becomes you,

No, you become it

So, beware the seething silence

Of a still room

Listen carefully, Shhhh

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by what it's like when people are together in a room when they hate each other, but pretend they don't. 

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