Sanctuary | Teen Ink


January 19, 2019
By Verochavv BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Verochavv BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mom told me my body is a sanctuary.
Yet it only took empty compliments for you to get inside.
I adored the feeling of your fingertips on my corridors
Even if you enter and leave without a trace, thanks to you
My sanctuary felt loved for once.
My mom told me my body is a sanctuary
As you stumbled wasted into my rooms
And lied saying you were here to stay.
You tried destroying my already broken windows
Hoping it would make me believe you were the only one for me.
My mom told me my body is a sanctuary.
As you said you were mine
But ignored my text messages as time went on.
You set fire to the kitchen and watched everything burn
Screaming that you never slept with someone else.
My mom told me my body is a sanctuary
When I realized you were never going to stay.
I was just a stop on your long-supposed journey to love
You admired my destroyed and cracked walls
But it was never your intention to fix them.
My body is no sanctuary,
Because no true sanctuary has ever been this used and destroyed.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem at a very low point in my life. I was stuck in a very toxic relationship and was too scared of leaving him because he said I wold never find anyone else that would love me. This poem symbolizes how hurt I was during that relationship. Since then, I had the courage to end the the relationship and my life has never been better.

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