I Want Someone Who Can Listen to Me | Teen Ink

I Want Someone Who Can Listen to Me

January 23, 2019
By Sarahx15 PLATINUM, Brandon, South Dakota
Sarahx15 PLATINUM, Brandon, South Dakota
22 articles 8 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Someday everything will make perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason." - Art Thomas

I want someone who can listen to me

I want someone who can hold me tight when I cry

I want someone who cares about my thoughts

I want someone who hurts when I hurt and

I want someone who laughs when I laugh

I want someone who understands why I say what I say

I want someone who doesn’t mind being spammed with texts at 2 AM

I want someone who says “I’m still here” when the world goes wrong

I want someone who means it when they say “I love you”

Why can’t I find someone like this?

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on Nov. 5 2020 at 5:43 pm
FirstSteps5000 SILVER, Bethesda, Maryland
5 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you reach for the stars, you'll just get the stars. Reach for the heavens and you get the stars thrown in." - unknown
"These aren't just stories,"... …"They're whole kingdoms. They're worlds. They're perspectives and opinions you can't offer, from lives you haven't lived." - The Isle of the Lost
"When someone does something hurtful, they have to admit it... [t]hen they have to be punished for it. And maybe then, if they apologize and change, maybe -maybe- *then* they get forgiven." - The One and Only Bob
