The World | Teen Ink

The World

January 24, 2019
By itsfuntofantasize BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
itsfuntofantasize BRONZE, Farmington, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness.”<br /> <br /> -Deadpool

The world is dark and cruel and cold
As ice; it watches life unfold
From nothing, or from the love
Two people share, or God above
Hell below gave me my breath
My consciousness derived from death
From husks once living I was sewn
No soul immortal did I own
Before. And will I after
Hear the heavens ring with laughter
Or will oblivion once more take hold
The world is dark and cruel and cold.

The world is bright and kind and warm
As candle-flame, or as the form
That sunlight takes, from high above
It watches humans grow and love
And pass away, given new breath
For life will never end in death
From cloth eternal we were sewn
Estate in heaven for to own
Before this life, as we will after
Hear the heavens ring with laughter
Abandoning this mortal form
The world is bright and kind and warm.

The author's comments:

The first stanza is from the POV of Frankenstein's monster, the second from the POV of Elizabeth, his adopted sister.

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