Why You Don't See | Teen Ink

Why You Don't See

February 5, 2019
By Purpletidegirl BRONZE, Blythewood, South Carolina
Purpletidegirl BRONZE, Blythewood, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Of course it’s happening inside your head Harry”, But why on earth should that mean it is not real”- Dumbledore to Harry Potter, Deathly hallows book 8 by J.K. Rowling

I may seem weird

Yes, I talk to much about bands

Once in a while I may interrupt you

For that I am sorry

I may start to shake when I get excited or upset

Yes I was bullied

Now that I have answered all your questions here’s what you don’t see

I have ADHD and Social anxiety and sometimes ADHD and OCD overlap meaning they have stuff in common

When I talk about stuff I like it’s because I want to share it with you

I want you to understand that these are things that bring me joy

When I feel alone

I am not using these as excuses I am just telling you who I am

Many people think I am rude or self centered among other words

I am not trying to be

If you see me with my headphones on and reading a book

Know that I want to talk to you

I just don’t know how to approach you

If I am sitting by myself

Know that I want to sit near you

But I don’t know how to ask without being weird

If there is an awkward silence

Then I am contemplating or over evaluating on what to say next

For those of you who understand this

Know that it will get better

Know that it is not the end of the world

Even if it feels like it

Know that I am right there along side you fighting the same fight

For everyone I want to be your friend

I am just scared I might get rejected because of my faults

Signed your friendly Neighborhood Poet

The author's comments:

I have been dealing with all of these things and this is my first peom to actual talk about it and have a voice out there about these issues and topics 


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