Horses | Teen Ink


February 12, 2019
By lilred10 BRONZE, Torrance, California
lilred10 BRONZE, Torrance, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You have cow ponies

And you have jumpers
And you should never forget the cart pullers

Each horse has their own perfectly dazzling mind

Just like humans, they don’t like to do things sometimes


They will never stop loving you

And always look forward to seeing you

Each horse also has unique talents

Quarter horses can have great balance

Thoroughbreds make fancy feet movements

Draft Horses pull carts


But all horses have the same traits:

They never talk back

Always try to please you

And will always be there for you

I feel like dogs get more attention though
Now I am not saying one is better than the other

Dogs are just smaller

They can crawl down at your feet and sleep with you in your bed

If my horse ever did that

I think I would be dead

Not to mention my mom would lose her head

I can just imagine the reaction:

Why the BLEEP is the horse in the house?!?!?!?!?!

And my only response would be

It was cold and rainy so I asked him if he would like to come sleep with me

You see horses will never stop loving you

Always appreciate you

And will always be there for you

The author's comments:

My name is Sara Walters and I am a Junior at Port of Los Angeles High School. In my free time I love to ride my horse all over the Palos Verdes Peninsula and train him to do various diciplines. I got the inspiration for this piece from my nine years of horseback riding and knowledge of ridin all different horses. 

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