The happiness in life | Teen Ink

The happiness in life

February 14, 2019
By IdOnTkNoWmAn GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
IdOnTkNoWmAn GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from:

A day of tears when Mom left,

a trip between the houses every other weekend,

a child clutching her blanket for comfort,

a brother fighting with her to make her strong,

a dad wanting her to become a kind, responsible A student.

I’m from:

A child flinching at the sound of a raised voice,

a feeling of dread when she had to change houses,

a love for things “meant for boys,”

a teen ignoring attempts to connect with her,

a thought that she’s not enough for her friends and family.

I’m from:

A dreary white house,

a lawn littered with weeds,

a broken family like a shattered plate on the floor,

a place with arguments that raise the temperature of the house,

an area of tension that keeps muscles tight.

I’m from the sadness in life,


I’m also from:

A surprise pregnancy leading to me,

a sledding adventure,

a steaming cup of hot cocoa while watching the snowfall,

a summer crafting a quilt with grandma,

a high achievement certificate.

I’m from:

A set of pins cracking on impact,

a day watching and swimming in the waves,

a night when Viv and her were amazed at Split,

a gaming night playing Borderlands with him until midnight,

a relaxing day conforming to my bed scrolling through Pinterest.

I’m from:

A place of safety emanating from the walls,

a home where seven animals roam,

a bed that supports her,

a family that doesn’t let her fall down where she can’t get up,

a spot for happiness and laughter.

I’m from the happiness in life.

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