The Mind of My Enemy | Teen Ink

The Mind of My Enemy

February 14, 2019
By ingridkarabinos SILVER, Lakeway, Texas
ingridkarabinos SILVER, Lakeway, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can see them across the hall

Secretly eyeing me with enormous gall

I wonder what they’re thinking about

And why are they the reason for my pout

I try to think of where I might have went wrong

But, I should be thinking of how their thoughts might’ve gone along

The mind of my enemy is utterly complex and completely incomprehensible

All I long for is some understanding and meaning that is sensible

As I attempt to confront them with a gaze

Their eyes immediately turn away in a blaze

So there I am left thinking of what could have been

Pondering the mind of my enemy and what lies within

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