Goodbye | Teen Ink


February 15, 2019
By Anonymous

Tears left angry trails down your cheeks.

As I watched each droplet fall

twisting, and winding down your fair face

I watched your eyes cloud over

Their beautiful, pure color

The darkest blue

That even the evening skies envied

Became dimmed and dull.

I saw your soul breaking behind the navy lenses.

You opened your mouth to speak

Tongue ready with words of hate

Your perfect, peach lips twisted in a snarl.

Those same lips that used to whisper poems of love in my ear.

The lips that smiled

Tasting my name

Sang gentle melodies

as I drifted off to sleep

Lips that softly brushed against my skin

And kissed me so tenderly.

I waited for the moment

When my ears would start to bleed

When my heart would cease to beat

When my world would start to crumble.

I dreaded the moment

Lungs screaming for air as I held my breath

Waiting for you to speak.

And when you finally said those words

I felt them shatter my universe

A single sentence that fractured my world

The words that took away my everything.


The ones that meant goodbye.

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