Soggy Cereal | Teen Ink

Soggy Cereal

February 15, 2019
By Brambletalon SILVER, Congers, New York
Brambletalon SILVER, Congers, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Little wheat flakes in a bowl,

golden and crunchy.

Freeze dried strawberries

as light and crisp as chips.


As milk is dumped on their heads,

the reality sinks in.

Those little wheat flakes

won’t ever be the same again.


Crinkly crinkle as the air escapes

to be replaced by liquid.

Their limp bodies pile

until the spoon arrives.


Those freeze dried strawberries,

at first so crisp and red,

now drowned by milk.

They float on the milk.


Silver spoon brings these souls

to the yawning mouth,

so sustaining.

Never the same again.


Sweet milk, filled with sugar

extracted from its victims,

is the last one standing.

Yet again.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write a poem to submit to a contest, and I was inspired by cereal. This poem was written while I ate breakfast before school, and it took a darker tone than expected. But hey, I like dark- we live half of our life in darkness.

"Soggy Cereal" can represent various situations and ideas; take what you would like from it. 

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