The Well | Teen Ink

The Well

February 16, 2019
By blxrrytxylxr BRONZE, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
blxrrytxylxr BRONZE, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Glitter is like the STD of the art world."
- Anonymous

Why do I feel so alone?

Like I’m in the bottom of a well screaming for help

My throat is raw from all the screaming

I try to claw my way out but that gets me nowhere

I just get broken and bloody fingernails from trying

I can hear the people up above

I can even see some of their shadows if I look hard enough

But nobody can hear me

Or see me

I’m all alone

I sit back and just wonder

About how I got so lonely

How did I land in this well?

I had friends and family

A beautiful wife and prosperous job

But one day; it all vanished

I don’t know what I did to cause this

I also don’t know how to fix it

So I just give up and sit back

I close my eyes and drift away to sleep

I wake up and feel water around me

Someone is dumping water on me

I think they are trying to drown me

I stand up and start screaming

Praying they will hear me

“Hey! Hey! Help me! Please”

No reply

“Hey! There’s someone down here!

No reply

What is going to happen?

More and more water rains down on me

Soon enough it’s up to my waist

I’m going to drown

I’m about to die

What do I do?

The water is not stopping

In fact, it seems to be coming down even quicker

It’s so cold

I start to shiver and shake

Everything goes numb

The water covers my face

I hold my breath to try and survive

Soon enough it fills the well halfway

But I realize something

I can swim to the top

I’m going to live

This person is trying to help me

The water soon fills the well

I swim to the top

I am actually going to live

I close my eyes and start swimming

I think about what’s going to happen when I get out

Who is my savior?

How will I thank them?

What will I do when I get out?

I’m so close to the top

I open my eyes and see sunlight

It’s right there

Inches away

So close

I reach the top and stretch out my hand

Someone grabs my hand

They start to pull me out of the well

But as my head breaches the water

I wake up

And I am back at the bottom...

The author's comments:

This piece happened due to a depressing night and a flood of emotions going through my body. When I feel something, I wrote. This is just what happened as a result. 

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