the darkness | Teen Ink

the darkness

February 28, 2019
By BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

darkness is not a time of day

nor a place without light

darkness is more complex

it is a feeling

from which you can never escape


darkness is the little voices in my head

telling me to give in

to the demons

lurking in my mind

telling me to give up

to the darkness


darkness is the wanting

a wanting to not exist

to fall asleep

and never wake up

to take a pill and end it all

to take the knife

and pierce the skin


darkness is the despair

despair of a wasted life

a life where I am trapped in a steel cage

tossed away like a piece of trash

falling down the hole

of regret and guilt


darkness is the tears

tears that cloud my eyes

i cry because there is no hope

the darkness has already consumed me

it has taken me hostage

a prisoner with no ransom


darkness is a person

who stands over my shoulder

it walks in my shadows

and pulls at my strings

i am its puppet


darkness means death

it comforts me as I sit

and slowly lose my mind

it is the only thing I feel

i am a lost cause


but do not fear

the darkness is my friend

we are one

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