it's to bright | Teen Ink

it's to bright

February 28, 2019
By BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
BadonSydney22 GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The sun…”

I’ve heard these words before

She looks at me one last time

Before a wave of shock runs through her

Her cold lifeless body falls into my hands

Her eyes roll back

Her skin turns to ice

Foam exudes from her mouth

She twitches in my hold

Arms and legs flailing

The tears never stop falling

I caress her cheek

I tell her it will be alright

My little sister

Why must the sun be so bright

Then maybe I could feel your warmth one last time

The author's comments:

This is about my younger sister. She has a condition known as Epilepsy. This poem is about her most recent seizure. 

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