Win | Teen Ink


March 5, 2019
By JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
JacobBlack52 GOLD, Loris, South Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I may still hurt
But I think I’ve opened a new door

I may still cry
But I think I’m beginning to soar

I may still worry
But the world is an oyster and I’m pearl

He gave me this map
I must run the lap
I must complete the race
I must win the lap

but it’s more than that
I must grow old and fat
I must own a dog and a couple of cats

But above all
I don’t want to trip and fall
I don’t want to make my final call
I want to stand high and tall

Above each and all

The author's comments:

I wrote this as I was finally beginning to trust, love, and feel alive once again. I go through a state of hardship and eventually gain stability and goals. 

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