Taking Action | Teen Ink

Taking Action

March 17, 2019
By ASHleyK12 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
ASHleyK12 BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It seems we are always searching, 
searching for love, 
searching for guidance, 
searching for happiness. 
Sometimes we become so caught up in searching, 
that we forget what we have. 
We need to stop and look around us, 
recognize what we have earned, 
and give ourselves credit for how far we have come. 
We need to remember where we came from,  
acknowledge those that have helped us, 
and be proud of how far we have come. 
Be content with what you have accomplished, 
happy with where your roads will lead you, and 
excited to uncover what your future holds. 
Quit waiting, 
stop wishing, 
start doing. 

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