Ignorance | Teen Ink


March 25, 2019
By Anonymous

Ignorance is the fog that follows everyone. Some are enveloped, impossible to see, and others have but a small cloud following them around. It is not an excuse, nor someone else's fault that you are still enveloped with the haze, that you still can’t see things clearly. So don’t try and pin the blame on me, or your neighbor, or your friend, because the only reason the fog is still there is because of you. You refuse to see past the hazy limit of your vision, you try and deny there’s a way out of it. You keep it with you, wear it as a badge of honor, even though it’s a smoke, slowly suffocating you, killing you. This cloud of ignorance you carry around with you is killing others too, and you know that. You try to keep the others in the dark with you just because you can’t see the light, see the truths that everyone is screaming at you, begging for you to notice. But really, you’re scared. You try and deny the change, the dissolving of everyone else's fog, everyone and everything changing. It’s the only thing you’ve ever known and you don’t want to let go. But there will be people there waiting for you on the other side, people who will help move the fog away. Only if you try though, only if you try. But you won’t, you’ll keep your fog, your blinders with you. Because you are afraid of the change, so you keep your cloud of ignorance.

The author's comments:

I tried to give ignorance this physical form or manifestation because I feel we can better address things that have a physical presence.

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