Last Weekend | Teen Ink

Last Weekend

April 3, 2019
By meganvidovich SILVER, San Pedro, California
meganvidovich SILVER, San Pedro, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last weekend, it felt like summer

My second oldest sister came home.

Her flight got in at 3am,

When I woke up she was in her own bed,

In the room we share,

right across from me.

My oldest sister came into the room

Late Saturday morning

And gave her a big hug.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

My sisters and I drove through our hometown.

We blasted music

We screamed the lyrics

We rolled all the windows down.

We drove along the coast,

Used my quarters for our parking meter fee.

Then we walked down to the ocean

And we laid out on the beach.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

My sisters got cold.

So we hiked back up to the car

And got our favorite acai bowls.

Then we drove back home.

My oldest sister made pizza dough

We waited to let it rise

I played the guitar while my sister relaxed on her phone.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

All my sisters and I in the hot kitchen.

Rolling out pizza dough.

My second oldest sister and I

Found tomato sauce.

We constructed the most masterful pies

Then almost got in a fight.

Then forgot about it as we watched out pizzas cook.

We ate them faster than the speed of light.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

My cousins came home.

My sisters and I drove to their house

At 9pm

And jacuzzied with the three of them.

Half told scary stories,

The other half got scared.

We stayed there until nearly midnight

Then my sisters and I drove away through the night air.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

On Sunday, we woke up a bit earlier.

My sister did her homework,

And I did mine.

By noon the three of us were on the road again,

On the same coast path as yesterday’s time.

We parked on a residential,

Residential parking is free.

The beach felt much warmer,

But in the water we thought we’d freeze.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

The sand burned our feet.

My sisters and I were magnets to our comfy towels,

But at 2:30pm,

We had to leave.

We drove through the tree-filled streets,

The neighborhoods of PV,

Blasting music,

Disturbing the peace.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

My sisters and I pulled up to our cousins’ house.

We sang happy,

happy birthday,

And watched the candles melt.

We ate my mom’s homemade cookies

And drank coffee, dairy free.

My sisters and I said goodbye early

We had things to do, places to be.

Last weekend, it felt like summer

I shot hoops in the driveway.

I moved the car all by myself

And waved to the neighbor

Walking his dog by me.

I went into the house at 5:40pm

To fit with my sister’s shower schedule.

I put on my flowered dress

For family dinner with my grandma

and my sister’s vegetables.


Last weekend, it felt like summer

I stayed up until 2am.

I did homework that I had not prioritized

Over my sisters, my best friends.

Though behind on my schoolwork,

I will never regret

Spending 48 hours with my family, my cousins, my sisters-

On the final days of winter,

The days that felt like summer-

Last weekend.

The author's comments:

I am the happiest when my cousins and sisters are home, and this came to be a few weekends ago, so I wrote a happy piece.

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