Black Feathers | Teen Ink

Black Feathers

April 15, 2019
By star-anise BRONZE, Foster City, California
star-anise BRONZE, Foster City, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never mistake kindness for weakness.
- Jennifer Donnelly

You watch me

your eyes, dark and empty

As glass beads, they shatter

My self esteem.

Black mocking birds,


You have no right to my secrets.


Eyes on my back

Wings flapping


Against the wind.

Your caw-caw slices

Through the air

And into my


Leave me alone—

A murder,

That’s what we call you.

Then kill me now!

For I’d rather die than live in this feathered

Intrusion— or

Will you teach me your ways?

Let me in, honor the one with eyes sharper

than yours, who saw through this flimsy

attempt at Espionage?

I am the winner.

The author's comments:

This poem explores the nature of an obsession.

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