Heat | Teen Ink


May 5, 2019
By lindsayprado BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
lindsayprado BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking the same road I do everyday,

Yet today there is a sudden chill.

I see my breath in front of me.

I feel the cold air surrounding me,

Giving the noon time a mystical feel.

I look up and everything shifted.

The sun came out of its hiding place,

And it winked at me through the clouds.

I felt its warm sensation hit my skin.

The sudden contrast occured in less than a second.

I felt a mother’s hand on my cheek,

A warmth I haven’t felt since the last season.

The day was bright,

And I could almost hear the flowers laugh,

As the sun smiled over the earth below it.

The author's comments:

I wrote this inspired by Robert Frost's emphasis on nature.

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