Words | Teen Ink


May 10, 2019
By Jacobsa30 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Jacobsa30 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Such a small yet powerful thing

They can mean nothing

But they can also mean a mountain

Though they just may be sound waves

They hold very heavy meaning

One can change the course of the world

One wrong word and a world ending war can start

Or one right word and the world can enter a golden age

But they may affect just one person

They can save a life or end one

They could change a mind or make one up

But words can be lost or they can be found

Once lost they may be gone forever

But being found can light the way to a new forgotten world

But being lost to can lead to a world being forgotten

We need to preserve

We need to save

Be we must watch what we say for we never know who will hear or what they will do


Such a small thing with such a great meaning

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