Seniors | Teen Ink


May 17, 2019
By Mac249 BRONZE, Washington, Utah
Mac249 BRONZE, Washington, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scars remind of us where we've been, but they don't dictate where we're going. - Agent Rossi, Criminal Minds


Congrats, you made it!

Here you are, in the midst of your graduation,

Take a minute to look around,

Look at everyone here to see you,

I hope you practiced your walk

But seriously, look at what you did;

You passed your classes,

Finished 13 whole years of math, science, language arts,

You learned to read and write,

Learned that 2 + 2 is actually 4 and not fish

Learned that the big yellow circle in the sky is actually a ball of flammable gas

Whoever laughs at that, maybe you shouldn’t be graduating today.

You made friends, really good friends

But you lost some too, that’s part of it all.

It wasn’t always sunshine, and cupcakes was it?

But you persevered

Watching you leave the halls for the last time,

Say goodbye to your teachers and friends who are going off to other adventures,

It’s a precursor for us.

We watched you and took you as our role models,

May we be just as wonderful examples to others as you were for us.

We’re raising our cups, of uncategorized coke products, to you

Sincerely the juniors, sophomores, and freshmen

Thank you

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