A Poem is a Place | Teen Ink

A Poem is a Place

May 28, 2019
By mtanner BRONZE, Bow, New Hampshire
mtanner BRONZE, Bow, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A poem is a place

Like a library, or a zoo

You go to see many things

And there’s always something to do

But when you leave that place

And you start on your way home

You begin to feel empty

You begin to feel alone

The loneliness starts growing

A little hole in your heart

Eating away at your insides

It tears you apart

Until the next week when you visit again

And you get to see your persistent friend

But you will always leave

And you will always return

An endless cycle

You will always turn

You look for an escape

You look for an exit

Searching forever

You are getting quite desperate

Why do you want out

Why do you leave

Because home is the place

That all people should be

So stay in that place

Long as you may

And return home

Soon to come back for another day

The author's comments:

I wrote this at 2 am, after waking up and thinking of my dream.

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