I'm Angry | Teen Ink

I'm Angry

June 7, 2019
By Joe_Dubs BRONZE, New City, New York
Joe_Dubs BRONZE, New City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who think they know everything are an annoyance to those of us who do."- Isaac Asimov

The world is burning

And I’m angry

Politicians are bought and sold

Like cattle to the highest bidder

And my views on complex sociopolitical issues

Are not contained by one of two parties

Which are nearly identical

People blame companies and beg the government to help

And people blame the government and beg the companies to help

But the companies own the government

And the government controls the companies

One side says we should raise taxes

To pay for shit we don’t need

And the other says we should lower taxes

And stop paying for shit we need

But both raise taxes

And both don’t pay for the s**t we need

And both put us $21 trillion in debt

You cannot stand on a soapbox

And claim to defend liberty

When you work tirelessly to take away the liberties

That offend your morality

You cannot stand on a soapbox

And claim to care for the poor

When you take everyone else’s money

And use it to pay off the rich

Basic facts are contested

And apparently, objectivity is now subjective

“Climate Change doesn’t exist”

Says the man who is not a climatologist

“Vaccines cause autism”

Says the woman who is not an epidemiologist

“The Earth is 10,000 years old”

Says the man who is not a geologist

“Evolution isn’t real”

Says the woman who is not a biologist

“All opinions are equally valid”

Says the idiot with an opinion contrary to thousands of peer-reviewed scientific research papers published in academic journals

Get off your high horse

Your morality is subjective

Stop acting like I should listen to it, or you

I am right, and we both know it

So the sooner you get to agreeing

The sooner we can start talking about how to fix this shitshow

Because there are right and wrong answers to most of our questions

And maybe we could hear them

If you just shut up for half a god***ned second

The author's comments:

I wrote this to vent my frustration at the seemingly boundless void that is human stupidity.

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