Eight Ways of Looking At my Childhood, Stars and Moon, and Touch | Teen Ink

Eight Ways of Looking At my Childhood, Stars and Moon, and Touch

June 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Eight ways of looking at my childhood

The garden full of life and greenery
I explore the thicket under the window
Lizards hunt, bees seek nectar, ants are busy in endless moving lines

First day
Starchy blue school shirt. Many eyes upon me.
My eyes upon the floor

Freedom in the ocean. The white waves frothing in the sunlight
My board white and blue and pink.
I stand, as the blue ocean flows beneath me,
The reef multicolored, beautiful but dangerous

My companions - Roxy, Puce, Polisson, Koza
Always faithful and loving, waiting to be stroked, or entertained
Their bright eyes and fur a comfort everyday
The joy of their life, the heartbreak of their passing

Slammed doors, anger and frustration
Voices raised through walls
Waiting, waiting,
Quiet glances and kind words

New countries, new places, new scenes, new faces
Mountains as high as the sky,
Jungles deep and green and forbidding
The throb of city life, cars, trains, taxis, noise.

Apples on the dock.
My father peeled the skin
Throwing the seeds to the waiting fish
Sunlight on my neck.

Two wheels and two feet
Pushing, frightened, falling
Two wheels, feet on pedals
The excitement and pride and motion and movement
Smile, laugh, smile

Stars and Moon
So close yet so far
The shimmer glistening through the night.
The small millions of specks surround the dark sky.
The change, the moon, the distance
Billions of miles away
We speak as if we know her
but very few have met her.
The glowing nights illuminates our eyes
Peace and serenity
For the glowing night
To feel is to connect
With no sensation we have no connection
Connection is our craving
The unbarring urge to know
What it is like to be loved and held
The disconnect of being alone
The lack of connection
The thoughts, the moments,
The nights alone.
We all want to be saved
And we can all be saved.

The author's comments:

Growing up in a country on the other side of the world of where you were born, makes you question how you would be if you never left. I grew up on a small island in The Bahamas, this has made me look at the world from a very different perspective. I have learned to Accept different people and cultures and keep an open mind towards all people. I’ve loved the ocean since I was a young child, it makes me feel at peace. The night sky keeps me grounded and centered to reality. I like my pieces to reflect how I feel and how I grew up. 

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