I AM FROM | Teen Ink


July 10, 2019
By nissaleor1 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
nissaleor1 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from parents who yell

I love you

as I walk out the door every morning

I meet them again at a dinner table full of sarcasm and quick-witted jokes

In a backyard full of green, I am from endless opportunities for adventure and I explore valleys to mountains of outdoors with my siblings as a break from our thoughts

A breath of fresh air

I am from a childhood of traveling through markets, hostels, seas, and unfamiliar places

The smell of cigarettes still clings to my tongue like it did to those hotel walls

And I hear the laughs of my parents as they realize they booked an apartment in the middle of the Red Light District

From a close family that expresses love not through affection but through words, I sometimes feel an absence of physical touch

I live a very privileged life that I take too much for granted, and I am from a school that is 90 percent white but talks about diversity like it’s there

I have earned to be creative because I am from a family that strikes to do things their own way and I am encourage to believe what I want to believe

Surrounded by a community that stands up for justice and marches for

women’s rights

gun control and

our environment

I have learned that there are good people out there, whomever they may be

I have tough skin because I am from an activity that praises one body and excuses the next, and I have been taught to to critique not others but myself, as I am forced to look in the mirror and fix what is wrong

I am from a group of friends that has made me realize that not all people are your people, though they have taught me laughter, love and expression

Through movement I have found a voice and learned to communicate through shapes

I am from my own curiosity, and asking questions has led me to thinking my own thoughts and listening to others’

I am from a family that has taught me to build my own beliefs but to never miss an opportunity to talk to someone about theirs

And from this I have been able to grow on my own while still knowing where I am from

The author's comments:

Recently I went on a study abroad for 3.5 months with a group of 16 other girls and five teachers. I have always struggled to be open and express my vulnerability verbally, instead finding comfort through writing or art. During the months I was away, however, my English teacher pushed me to be more vulnerable through my writing. This poem was assigned towards the beginning of the semester, and while my later pieces of work became more expressive, this piece emcompasses who I am and where I'm from. 

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This article has 2 comments.

deanib SILVER said...
on Jul. 28 2019 at 11:46 pm
deanib SILVER, Valle Vista, California
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard." -Anne Sexton

What an introduction!! This is absolutely remarkable! Your poem grabbed my attention from the start! Keep up the great work!

oliviarox said...
on Jul. 27 2019 at 8:52 pm
oliviarox, Portland, Maine
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Be the best you you can be

Shoutout to Maddie 🤭