Solitude | Teen Ink


July 15, 2019
By mbeeken6 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
mbeeken6 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I want to close the curtains of solitude

and hide in a bubble unreachable

a bubble to see, watch and listen

without being seen, watched, and listened too


I want to fly away on the wings of solitude

to breathe a breath unheard by all

to get away from the rush of people

and to be one with the rush of myself


I want to sing the sweet song of solitude

to dance in my own self-pity

and to watch it ferment and blossom

blossom into unconditional self-love


I still want to feel love in solitude

to still have a firm hand to grasp

a hand outside of my unbreakable bubble

a person who can see the real me


And then I'll leave beloved solitude

to fly with my own true friend

but not burn any bridges to solitude

should I ever need a way there again

The author's comments:

This piece discusses the contrasting want of being alone and reveling in the glory of oneself and the want of having someone to be with who understands you. I wrote the poem when I was especially happy feeling lonely but still felt a want to be understood by another person.

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