My dearest sister | Teen Ink

My dearest sister

August 23, 2019
By wnuge40 BRONZE, Lafayette, Indiana
wnuge40 BRONZE, Lafayette, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart skipped a beat when I saw that beautiful baby girl’s face so delicate and kind.

Just born into this world her features so similar to mine .

With blond hair and blue eyes and pale white skin that shines in the darkest of times.

The only thing different from her heart and mine was the kindness within.

Her heart so pure never feeling hate or anger never caring how she looked.

For she had just been born into this world seeing the light and wishing to go back to her mother's womb.

So warm and delightful.

She is still the most beautiful thing in the world even if she may be a pain at times .

She still keeps her head high and her heart pure only worrying about things that she feels not what she hears .

That beautiful little girl that I call a sister and a friend .

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