I Am More | Teen Ink

I Am More

September 19, 2019
By Ogy BRONZE, Merton, Wisconsin
Ogy BRONZE, Merton, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All it takes is a few steps.

All it takes is to speak up and speak out. 

I have always been better, I just had to prove it to myself.

I deserve more. 


I was frustrated,

I just wanted to keep being me. My parents wanted me to be more,

tearing up grass, I ran from them.

They are the reason I have talent in the sport,

they pushed me to speak up, stand out, because I had potential. 

I am beyond thankful for them, they made me who I am.


Scoring goals left, right, it was like making a sandwich.

On the field over was a club team playing while I stood  out.

I liked where I was, I truly did,

but my parents widend my eyes.

As they yanked me off the field,

Furious, I kicked and yelled.

They brought me onto the other field, 

that moment I ran faster than I have ever ran before.

There were still tears in my eyes, but I knew I was where I belonged,

back to tearing up grass. 


I was back to scoring.

I was where I belonged.

The green grass under my feet,

the white paint, screaming fans,

even my parents.

It was home, my passion, MY HOME.

My parents turned my passion into a lifestyle.

They made me realize I could be so much more than what I was.

Since that day I played with that team for eight years.

One team, 8 years.

All it took was a few steps.

All it took was for me to step up.

Realize I was better than I thought I was.




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