The Badger Game | Teen Ink

The Badger Game

September 19, 2019
By acb23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
acb23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was eleven, I went to a Badger game with Dad, 

it was a sunny Saturday morning, 

and I had just gotten to my seat, 

in between the smell of cheese curds and hot dogs

I heard the energy

 as they yelled.


The man next to me looked at his football cards,

he gave one to me saying, “I bet he will run for a touchdown on the next play.”

The next play begins and I hear the crowd roar as the player on my card scores. 

I put the card in my pocket so I don’t lose it.

The card makes me feel like I am a part of the crowd, the chants, and the team. 

The card makes me feel like I am truly a Wisconsin Badger. 

The game got better and better as they played, the Badgers scored on almost every drive.

The game ended and there was no doubt

it was tradition:

watching the Badger game

every Saturday with Dad. 

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