My Arch Nemesis | Teen Ink

My Arch Nemesis

October 21, 2019
By lsjoseph42 BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
lsjoseph42 BRONZE, Woodland Hills, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t consider myself a hateful person,

but flies and mosquitoes have changed that.

They’ve stolen my focus:

My grades, my studies, compromised by the 

never ending buzz trapped in my room.

They’ve turned my parents against me:

Everytime I find sanctuary from the daemons

my parents open the floodgates by delivering my

laundry or checking in on my day. 

My realm disturbed yet again.

They’ve taken my pride:

I choose not to sit idly by as my room is desecrated

by their buzzing. 

Many times do I find myself using my shirt as a whip

to banish these creatures from the earth. 

My room ends up a mess, my desk in disarray,

and my parents open the door to find me dancing around my room,

shirt off and in my hand.

The author's comments:

My name is Lucas. I'm a senior in high school and hope to be studying International Relations in college.

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