blackened sorrow | Teen Ink

blackened sorrow

October 25, 2019
By drcao BRONZE, Cape Canaerval, Florida
drcao BRONZE, Cape Canaerval, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be prepared

Night as dark as a crow wings, Trapped deep down were the corpse sings,

Stuck between death and life in a web of my own sorrows tonight. Late, too late!

when I came. My beloved corpse hang. dead as a stone wall, I screamed in horror

As here dead lifeless corpse feel, feel it did right to the abyss, a secem I heard as a bat hissed. Mad with grief and mad with fear felled, felled from this place of nightmare and dread. But then it came, faster than a bullet, a hellish creature with eyes of gold and yellow, took me up. Up! I went with fear in my heart knowing that the next thing I do or say and the nightmare will tear me apart.

There I saw it has spider like legs and its eyes of 8 looked at me, looked at me with hunger in its eyes, as thought I was a bug trapped in its web. And then i came to a wall above, where he weeved me a cocoon snug as a bug, but also very sticky. As I hung I waited for my fate, I waited and waited far above. Then I felt a prick then I was dead, in planess of death himself I shock with dread as I saw my beloved hung from above. She never made to the final plan, as she hung I wept with sadness and dread.

And so wept there year after year and weight for my beloved, to reaper 

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