Daisy | Teen Ink


October 30, 2019
By MaddyP_093 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
MaddyP_093 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were always so free.

Connected at the hip,

we were happy.

In our lush flowered gardens we wandered,

you, a little farther than I.

Ashen clouds crept at the edges,

only waiting to suck you into their angry wind.

You see the good in everything,

even with the darkness overhanging. 

You take the hand of the shadowman,

letting him lead you directly to the pit.

Without a second thought you went,

having no doubts of the strangers purity.

He taught you to walk instead of fly,

taught you to cage your dreams,

taught you to leave your self worth behind

for me to pick up for you.

I fought him,

Doing what I could to push him out of your life.

You sat talking to daisies,

hoping they would give you the love you refuse to give yourself.

You danced among the stars,

hoping they’d grant you the flight that you lost 

to take you to Neverland 

But maybe, 

just maybe,

those daisies talked back.

Painting silver linings on clouds,

you sprang back to life.

Not completely whole,

not completely ok,

but still alive.

The author's comments:

This is about the relationship between my best friend her journey with her negative mental heath.

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