Heroine | Teen Ink


December 29, 2019
By ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing will ever again be

the taste of the best gooey 

chocolate chip cookies

baking in the evening.

The sound of bottle caps

and chocolate raisins

bouncing up and down

in the rectangle box.

She is a giver upper,

for her children 

and her husband.

Brave and anxiety ridden

all at once.

The smell of Dolce and Gabbana 

lurking on her work clothes,

present in every single embrace.

The sound of the sink water dripping

pouring down the dirty dishes.

The spray of febreeze and pouring 

of tide to get your kid’s work clothes

ready on time everyday.

The sight of her shirt,

always supporting her kids 

with every chance she gets.

Mom, I love you.

The author's comments:

This poem is about my mom, someone who has always been one of the most unselfish people i've ever met and someone I can always look up to. In my eyes, she does not get enough recognition for what she does for me, my siblings, and my dad on a daily basis and she is truly a heroine.

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