Demon | Teen Ink


November 10, 2020
By VolkmannDrew BRONZE, Dow City, Iowa
VolkmannDrew BRONZE, Dow City, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He kept absolutely still as the footsteps got louder. He wanted to peek around the corner to see what could possibly be coming towards him, but he was scared. It was getting closer and closer and it kept breathing harder and harder. He decided to take off down the hall, running as fast as he could. He could feel that the thing was right behind him. He fell and curled up into a ball scared for his life. Nothing, nothing tearing him apart, he couldn’t hear the heavy breathing anymore. 

“Am I dead?'' He thought. 

He opened his eyes to find the thing chasing him was gone, not to be seen throughout either side of the hallway. He got up and walked towards the door to exit the building. When he got to the door he found out that it was locked. Sadly, the other exit was on the other side of the building. He started walking that way when he kept hearing footsteps behind him, but he turned around to find nothing there. He kept walking, more paranoid than ever he started to walk faster and faster. The room started to get hotter as he got closer to the other end of the building.

“Is the building on fire, maybe I’m in hell?”

He turned the corner and there was the red eyed, pointed ears, four legged dog. It was probably six to seven feet tall with little to no hair on its body. They were on opposite sides of the hallway as the dog bolted towards him running at light speed. He didn’t know what to do so he stood there, frozen. The dog jumped at his head with its razor sharp claws. He ducked just in time that the dog landed behind him. He was on the run again, but he knew where he was going now, toward the exit. It felt like the door was a mile away, as he kept running from the demonistic dog. He got to the doors at the end of the hallway and bursted through them. He tried to close the doors on the dog and kept running, but the dog broke right through the glass door. The dog chased him through the dark street, and leaped towards him as he took a right towards a run down house. The dog took a second to get up after tumbling. As he got into the house the dog was just getting up so he knew he had time to hide somewhere in the house. There were multiple holes in the walls and furniture destroyed, wide scratch marks lined the walls all over the house and the roof has caved in. He heard the dog  run in through the front door of the house as he came to a screeching halt, claws scraping the ground. As he found a hiding spot under the stairs he came to realize that this wasn’t a random house, this was the dogs home. He found a sharp pipe next to where he was hiding, he reached for it and grabbed as debris fell from the roof and landed on his hand. It cut it up but was still functional, he knew he couldn’t hide any longer and came out from the hiding spot to find the dog. He turned the corner and there was the dog, the dog was turned from him as he threw the pipe at the dog. It impaled the dog through the head and stuck into the ground. The demon dog was dead and gone forever, or so he thought. The dog's spirit came out of the dog and was orange and fiery, the dog lit the house on fire making the house collapse and a falling wooden piece fell and impaled him. He died there and the spirit of the dog was gone.

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