My wave | Teen Ink

My wave

February 26, 2021
By Anonymous

I sit alone on the edge

Quite peaceful I must admit

It’s dim, the sun is nearly set

The waves crash one by one

Each wave falls as another rolls in

There I sit, watching the next one, waiting for it to crash

The crash is an ending, but a new beginning

I ponder my wave

After the crash, the water lays still and nears the shore

It rests peacefully, not desiring, not wondering, not existing, just resting

The calmness after the crash is alluring

I ponder my wave

Craving the calm, I scoot closer to the edge

My eyes begin to close

I listen for the after

After a wave crashes, there is silence

A silence so desirable that I almost want the waves to stop crashing

I ponder my wave

I begin to stand

I believe it’s peaceful, the end

I want to feel the after

So then, I approach my crash

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