The Science Room | Teen Ink

The Science Room

March 2, 2021
By kylebenson15 BRONZE, Hemet, California
kylebenson15 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The smell of magnesium burning under a flame 

The sounds of oohs and awes when students are in amaze

The colors of all the posters about safety around the room

The Wacky lab suit and goggles worn by the teacher, this is the science room

The experiences that set the fire alarm off

The black and brown lab tables that give you excitement when the teacher sends you there

The warm forensic feeling that you receive 

The messy desks with papers all over, this is the science room

The joy of when your teacher tells you qualify for the science fair

The feeling when you have to rush to pick up your things and go to the next class

The disappointment from the students when they have to do paper work

The Fresh cool air that is maintained at all times, this is the science room

The joy of hands on learning rather than notes

The wacky teacher that always something fun to say

The diverse mix of kids from jocs to nerds 

The ice cold water you use from the sink for a lab, this is the science room

The shimmering sight of glass all around

The bright white microscopes that catch your eye 

The forensic scenes of gummy bears as students experiment 

The evaluation of the teacher as they walk around the classroom, this is the science room

The jars of specimens that make you wonder what your assignment is 

The joy you feel when you see hot plates or bunsen burners

The yellow rubber gloves that make you feel silly

The safety precautions that often get forgotten, this is the science room

The arguments of whether or not time travel is possible or not

The discussions of how partners could build their project even better

The skeletal system always being the most popular system among the students

The hot room when we trap vapors with baking soda and vinegar, this is the science room

The Messy unorganized desk of the teacher 

The occasional broken glass on the floor due to students horseplaying

The big beautiful blue and green globe in the front of the classroom

The handout papers on your desk as you walk in, this is the science room

The sight of students in groups of 4 that look like different teams

The lab safety test taken before labs to determine if we were allowed or not to do the labs

The Glass and wood cases above the lab tables that the students can’t touch

The Rusty emergency shower in the corner that has never been used, this is the science room

The squeaky, unbalanced chairs that are sat upon

The dreadful smell of propane while heating something up

The fearful sight of bugs as they are for experiment 

The fluorescent lights that give you headaches after 10 minutes, this is the science room

The laughter of an experiment going wrong but ending up funny

The laughter of students talking and chattering before class 

The journals that contain the progress of projects that the students treat like high classified information

The skeleton in the front of the classroom often scare people, this is the science room

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