Words Made Of Knives | Teen Ink

Words Made Of Knives

April 8, 2021
By AdanneYeboah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
AdanneYeboah BRONZE, Bethesda, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I always have a headache. 

When is my human going 

to  put  me  down? 

I just need a quick break. 

Maybe I could hide 

in the pillow on the couch, 

or at the bottom of her bag? 

It always takes her 

a good 15 minutes 

to find me. 

I don’t even know why she wants 

to find me so 



She spends most of the day 

staring at my screen

reading hateful words.

Those girls at school

always text her 

words made of knives


Over the years, 

I’ve watched her self confidence



I always hear her crying


in her room, 

but she wipes away her tears 

and smiles 

around everyone else. 


She’s a good actress, 

I’ll give her that, 

but I wish I could stop it.


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