The Emancipation of a Beautiful Earth | Teen Ink

The Emancipation of a Beautiful Earth

April 23, 2021
By Medicinekid GOLD, Brookline, Massachusetts
Medicinekid GOLD, Brookline, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beautiful colors of green and blue

Turning into flames of orange and red

Four seasons given to us

Crashing into each other because of our 

Careless actions and laziness

Blurring the lines between beauty and destruction

A hazy fog of grey surrounds the Earth

Infecting our atmosphere 

Contaminating our water

Diseasing our people

Ruining the lives of our future generations

Chained down by our mistakes 

Before they even have a chance

To grow and blossom and learn

The solutions are right in front of us

Only if we are brave enough to make changes

Changes that will save our planet

We must look past our own prejudices

Our own selfish ways

And chart a better path for our future

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