Repressed Screams | Teen Ink

Repressed Screams

April 27, 2021
By Lorelei14 BRONZE, Strasbourg, Other
Lorelei14 BRONZE, Strasbourg, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always pity the thinkers, for they are cursed with their own imagination. -Atticus

You’re a secret.  

One that may have slipped out

On occasions.

A lingering glance,

Laughter a little too loud,

An unnecessary touch.

Your weight

Slammed into me,

Leaving behind only

Desperate desire

And the imprint of your collision.

Just a girl caging her butterflies,

My strings in your hands.

I don’t even try to take them back.

It’s all roses from above.

Floating won’t stop the thorns from poisoning your blood when you fall.

The author's comments:

Just a little reworked poem originally written two years ago but revisited this year.

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