With Love | Teen Ink

With Love

May 23, 2021
By KaylaMaguire BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
KaylaMaguire BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your smile shines like sunshine,

Calm and peaceful like the blue waves.

Silly games that we used to play,

Grafted some of the better parts of me.

The old movies I watch feel bitter without you,

Music has a better spark with you here.

You create an epic story

Wherever you go.

Almost like the zombie apocalypse podcast you listen to.

Everything has color with you here,

So, come visit soon.

The author's comments:

Kayla Maguire

Sioux City, IA 

May 21, 2021

Dear Poetry Editor: 

I am submitting a poem entitled “With Love" for consideration in Teen Ink.

I am a high school junior at Bishop Heelan in Sioux City, Iowa. I was recommended to submit my manuscript for Teen Ink by my Creative Writing I teacher.

Please recycle my manuscript if it does not fit your editorial needs. I hope to hear from you soon. 


Kayla Maguire

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